3545 Clifton Avenue
Cincinnati, Ohio 45220
ph: 513.221.1230
fax: 513.281.8009
Religious Education & Faith Formation
As a Roman Catholic institution, Catholic Identity is central at Annunciation School. All policies and curriculum guidelines of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati are followed. All students, preschool-eighth grade regularly attend religion classes, using a curriculum/religion textbook series in compliance with guidelines of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati. All students preschool-eighth grade attend regularly scheduled weekly celebrations of Morning Prayer, followed by Liturgical Catechesis. On major Catholic Feast Days, students in grades PreK-8 also attend the celebration of Mass.

We do acknowledge and respect the various Christian denominations and other religious backgrounds which make up our student body. However, by choosing a Catholic School in which to enroll your child, it is understood that a Catholic curriculum and calendar is followed at Annunciation School.

Sacramental preparation for practicing Catholics for the sacraments of Reconciliation, Eucharist (First Communion), and Confirmation, is parish-based and family-based, with full parental participation, and does not take place in the school classroom. Annunciation parishioners with children enrolled at Annunciation School who are eligible for sacramental preparation should contact Father Grogan or Dr. Chakeres at 861-1295 for further information. Catholic parents who have children enrolled at Annunciation School but who are not Annunciation parishioners, should contact their parish pastor for their parish guidelines regarding sacramental preparation.

Sacramental preparation is age-based not grade level-based. Children must be a baptized Catholic and at least seven years of age to enroll in sacramental preparation for Reconciliation and Eucharist Preparation. Children must be baptized Catholic and have celebrated First Communion, and must be at least 12 years of age to enroll in Confirmation Preparation. If a student has never been baptized, and the parent is requesting baptism in the Catholic Church for their child, the parent should contact Father Grogan at 861-1295. The same is true if a child was baptized in another Christian denomination and the parent is now inquiring into the possibility of the child becoming Catholic.

For complete information on Religious Education/Faith Formation at Annunciation School, please refer to our “Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary Parish & School Religious Education/Faith Formation Parent/Student Handbook.” You may also contact either Father Grogan (Annunciation Pastor) or Dr. Sandra Chakeres (Annunciation Director of Faith Formation) at 513-861-1295. More information is also available at the Annunciation Parish web site,